Take Your Walk with Christ to the
Next Level
No true follower of Christ ever stops growing with Him. Wherever you are, whether hearing about Jesus for the first time or a seasoned evangelist, there is ALWAYS more. Godspeed, beloved!
I’m not a Christian, but I’m seeking.
New Believer
I gave my life to Christ not long ago. What do I do next?
1) Repent, Be Baptized, Be Spirit Filled
2) Find a Fellowship Group
3) Read the Word and Do Acts of Love
4) Press Deeper With Jesus
I’ve been a Christian for a long time, but I often feel dry, or I have trouble hearing God’s voice.
1) Find a Fellowship Group with a Passion for Christ
2) Go Deeper With Christ
Experiencing God Bible Study/Daily Reading
Pioneer School (Youtube)
3) Dive Deep in Scripture
The Bible Project (Videos)
4) Do Something Serious for the Kingdom
Intercessory Prayer (ZOOM)
Monday - Wednesday 9-11 AM (PST)
Zoom ID: 99671757621
Password: 39620
Friday 7-9 AM
Zoom ID: 2473657240
Password: 7
Saturday 7:30-9 AM
Zoom ID: 8214807022Create Something New To Glorify God. (As the Holy Spirit leads: Share your testimony, create music, change jobs, start a Christian nonprofit, etc.)
I love God with all my heart and am seeing fruit in my life. I’m ready to go deeper.
Go through our Resources List.
Living the Life of Faith (Henry Byamukama)
God Calling (Two Listeners)
God’s Generals (Roberts Liardon)
Celebration of Discipline (Richard Foster)Go Deeper in Intercessory Prayer:
Monday - Wednesday 9-11 AM (PST)
Zoom ID: 99671757621
Password: 39620
Friday 7-9 AM
Zoom ID: 2473657240
Password: 7
Saturday 7:30-9 AM
Zoom ID: 8214807022